Sermon Notes

Shining His Light Through Acts of Love

Your actions have the power to shine the light of Christ. Join us in this teaching to learn how simple acts of love and service can reflect Jesus to a world in need.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

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Welcome back to Living Mirrors: Reflecting Jesus in Everyday Life. Last time, we explored how our thoughts and words reflect Christ. When our minds and speech align with God’s truth, we mirror Jesus to the world. Today, we’re moving beyond the internal and focusing on how our actions, especially acts of love, shine Christ’s light in a world desperate for kindness and compassion. Love is more than a feeling; it is something that becomes visible through our actions.

In a world that seems more divided and disconnected, our acts of love have the power to draw people to Jesus. We will explore how simple gestures of kindness can transform lives and bring others closer to Christ. In the next episode, we’ll focus on bearing the fruit of the Spirit, but today, we’re zeroing in on how our love in action reflects Jesus.

Love is the Mark of a Disciple

Jesus made it clear that love is the defining characteristic of His followers.

John 13:34-35 says:

John 13:34-35

(34)  "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  (35)  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

This command isn’t optional, it is foundational to who we are as Christians. Our love for others becomes the clearest evidence of our faith in Jesus.

This kind of love is far more than a fleeting emotion or a surface-level gesture; it is sacrificial, unconditional, and selfless. It is the love Jesus demonstrated in washing His disciples’ feet. That was a humble, servant-like act that pointed to His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. To follow Jesus is to live out this love daily in practical ways.

Think about Jesus’ love. It was not dependent on others’ worthiness. He loved even those who denied, betrayed, and doubted Him. This is a challenging example, especially when we face difficult or hurtful people in our lives. Yet, Jesus calls us to love sacrificially, putting others’ needs before our own.

Take a moment to reflect on someone in your life who may be difficult to love. It could be a co-worker, neighbor, or even a family member. Ask God to help you see them through His eyes and find ways to show love, whether through patience, forgiveness, or simply being present when they need support.

Each morning, start your day with this prayer: “Lord, show me someone today who needs to experience Your love through me. Let me see them through your eyes.” Then look for opportunities to reflect Jesus in everyday moments: a kind word, a helping hand, or offering a listening ear.

Acts of Love Illuminate Christ’s Light

In Matthew 5:16, Jesus tells us: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Our acts of love are not just individual gestures. They are lights that shine in a dark world. When we love and serve others, we show the world who Jesus is.

In the same way that a candle changes the atmosphere of a dark room, acts of love bring warmth and light to places filled with fear, anger, or division. And just as one candle can ignite another, your kindness has the power to inspire others to do the same.

Acts of love are the visible evidence of an invisible God. When we serve the poor, comfort the grieving, or help someone in need, we are doing more than just being nice. We are being the hands and feet of Jesus. And the beauty of it is, even the smallest acts, like helping someone with groceries or encouraging a friend, can have a lasting impact.

This week, think about how your daily actions reflect Christ’s light. Consider one area of your life where you can be more intentional in showing kindness. Maybe it is in your workplace, at home, or even with strangers. Commit to one specific act of love this week and ask God to use it for His glory.

Keep a journal of the ways you have shined Christ’s light through acts of service. You might be surprised at how seemingly small actions create opportunities for others to experience God’s love. Over time, you’ll see how each act contributes to making Christ more visible in your life and the lives of others.

Love in Action Transforms Lives

The Apostle John reminds us in 1 John 3:18:

1 John 3:18

(18)  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

Words can encourage and uplift, but true love is revealed through action. It is easy to speak about love, but Jesus challenges us to demonstrate it through tangible deeds.

Think about Jesus’ ministry. He did not just speak about love; He embodied it. He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and comforted the outcast. His love for people was more than words, it was transformative. And when we follow His example by loving others through service, we participate in that same transformation.

The power of love is in its ability to change lives, both the lives of those we serve and our own lives. Serving those who can never repay us or offering kindness to those who do not expect it reflects the very heart of Jesus. As we step out in faith to love, we open ourselves to becoming more like Christ.

Look around your community or circle of friends. Is there someone who could use your help? Whether it is volunteering at a shelter, supporting someone going through a difficult time, or simply offering a meal to someone in need, make a commitment to an act of love that mirrors Christ’s compassion.

Challenge yourself to serve in a way that stretches you. It might be helping someone financially, investing your time in someone who is struggling, or supporting a local charity. As you do, ask God to help you see the lasting impact of love in action.


Reflecting Jesus is about more than just what we think or say. It is about what we do. When we serve, love, and care for others, we become living mirrors of Jesus’ love. Acts of love have the power to shine Christ’s light into the darkest places, offering hope, healing, and transformation to those who need it most. As disciples of Jesus, we are called to make love a daily practice, allowing it to shape how we treat others and how we serve those in need. Through every act of love, we become living mirrors that reflect Jesus to the world.

In the next episode, we’ll explore how we can bear the fruit of the Spirit in a broken world, but for now, let’s commit to shining Christ’s light through every act of love, no matter how small, and reflecting His love to everyone we meet.

Brian Conklin

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