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We have all made promises and have had promises made to us. It’s difficult to wait on these promises. Today we talk about...
We have been talking about prayer and that it is communication with God. We are finishing this topic up this week as we...
Prayer is an important part of Christian life. It is direct communication with the Lord. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and...
We are in our second week of the new year and we are talking about tools to help you grow in your faith....
It is a new year and we are happy to celebrate a fresh start. Today we are talking about continuing to grow in...
The Apostle Paul’s letters to the churches in the first century are dual purposed. They were instructions, exhortations, and corrections for their time,...
Every new Christian wonders what the next steps as a new Christian are. Here we teach an overview of the initial next steps...
I was thinking about Psalms 119:11, "Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you."
I have been a pastor and spiritual counselor to people for many years now. When someone comes to me struggling with anything I...
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