
Waiting On A Promise

We have all made promises and have had promises made to us. It’s difficult to wait on these promises. Today…

4 years ago

God’s Response

We have been talking about prayer and that it is communication with God. We are finishing this topic up this…

4 years ago

The Lord’s Prayer, Prescriptive or Descriptive

Prayer is an important part of Christian life. It is direct communication with the Lord. Jesus taught his disciples how…

4 years ago

Getting Closer To Jesus

We are in our second week of the new year and we are talking about tools to help you grow…

4 years ago

Continuing to Grow In A New Year

It is a new year and we are happy to celebrate a fresh start. Today we are talking about continuing…

4 years ago

Paul’s Prayer for Every Christian

The Apostle Paul’s letters to the churches in the first century are dual purposed. They were instructions, exhortations, and corrections…

5 years ago

What Are My Next Steps as a New Christian

Every new Christian wonders what the next steps as a new Christian are. Here we teach an overview of the…

5 years ago

Psalm 119:11

I was thinking about Psalms 119:11, "Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against…

6 years ago

Three Simple Things to Improve Your Day

I have been a pastor and spiritual counselor to people for many years now. When someone comes to me struggling…

12 years ago

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