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Are you burdened by sin and seeking true freedom? Do you feel weighed down by the chains of sin and guilt? Join us...
Everyone wants peace and fulfillment. Everyone wants to do what is right. To accomplish these you must understand the need for truth. Stay...
The Church is one body with many members and we all have a role to play. Today we are talking about embracing your...
One of the core tenets of Cell Life Church is equipping the saints for service. Today we continue starting off the new year...
This world is a crazy place. Violence and hate seem to permeate almost everything. Changing it can seem so overwhelming. Where do you...
What do you see when you look in a mirror? What do others see when they look at you? Today we are talking...
Every day we see more people in need and most look to governments to solve these humanitarian crises. But God has a different...
Family is important and there are many things about life that we share with family. As Christians, we are also a part of...
We celebrate Jesus rising from the dead on Easter but what happens after the resurrection?
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