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🌟 Discover Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love This Advent Season 🌟 As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we invite you to join...
Love is the defining theme of the Christmas story. It is the reason for Christ’s coming and the foundation of our faith. Discover...
How can we bear the fruit of the Spirit in a world filled with brokenness? Discover how love, joy, peace, and kindness can...
Discover how Jesus, the Lover of your soul, can bring eternal peace and joy into your life. Downloads and Links Teaching Notes Participant...
On the fourth Sunday of Advent, we talk about the greatest Christmas gift to the world. Stay with us for radical love.
Today we start getting into Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. We are discussing God’s promises for those with the right heart attitudes.
There are many ideas about what love is and is not. There are opinions, thoughts, and lies. Today we are talking about the...
Religion is man’s attempt to reach God. Love is God’s attempt to reach man. What does this mean? Today, we are talking about...
Love is a simple concept, yet our world has made it complex. Today’s Advent topic is finding love in present times.
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