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🌟 Discover Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love This Advent Season 🌟 As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we invite you to join...
Joy is more than a fleeting emotion; it’s a deep and abiding gladness rooted in the presence and promises of God. Discover how...
How can we bear the fruit of the Spirit in a world filled with brokenness? Discover how love, joy, peace, and kindness can...
On this third Sunday of Advent, we are celebrating joy and discussing choosing joy in all circumstances.
Today we share how we can face any situation when we allow our hearts to be filled with joy in present times.
It is the third week of Advent and we are talking about how Jesus is our joy on Cell Life Church TV.
When bad things happen to people, especially God’s people, many ask, “Where was God when you were going through that?” or “Why has...
We are influenced and our lives are impacted by everything we experience each day. Today we are talking about how we have seen...
We are in our second week of the new year and we are talking about tools to help you grow in your faith....
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