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Discover how Jesus, the Lover of your soul, can bring eternal peace and joy into your life. Downloads and Links Teaching Notes Participant...
In our world today there is an unquenchable thirst for justice and revenge. The desire to point out fault runs deep.
Stumbling around in the dark is dangerous and you can get hurt. Stumbling through life is no different. Today we are talking about...
On the fourth Sunday of Advent, we talk about the greatest Christmas gift to the world. Stay with us for radical love.
Our salvation rests in Jesus alone. We cannot atone for our own sin. Only Jesus can do that. Jesus is our savior.
Value is based on what someone would give for something. You have value! Learn how much value in today’s teaching.
Today we celebrate the second week of Advent and recognize that Jesus is our Peace.
It is Memorial Day in America. We spend a three-day weekend remembering those who gave their lives in defense of freedom. Today we’re...
The cancel culture is getting out of hand in our world. It seems that the slightest misstep or offense gets answered with boycotts...
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