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As we light the second candle of Advent we are discussing finding peace in the chaos.
It is the season of Advent. This first Sunday of Advent 2023 we are talking about hope in the waiting.
There are many lessons we can learn from Peter’s sermon at Pentecost. Today we are talking about the three main lessons to learn.
This world is a crazy place. Violence and hate seem to permeate almost everything. Changing it can seem so overwhelming. Where do you...
We are finishing up our discussion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Jesus summed up this teaching very well, and we are going...
Jesus taught many topics during the Sermon on the Mount. Today we continue our discussion by talking about Godly Giving.
Today we start getting into Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. We are discussing God’s promises for those with the right heart attitudes.
The right tools are necessary to accomplish any project or repair something. Knowing how to use those tools is just as important. We...
This world we live in is crazy. Violence and hate seem to permeate almost everything. Thinking about changing the world can be very...
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