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Discover how Jesus, the Lover of your soul, can bring eternal peace and joy into your life. Downloads and Links Teaching Notes Participant...
Today, let's look into the wisdom of building our lives on a solid foundation, seeking the guidance of the ultimate Master Builder, Jesus.
Jesus’ story doesn’t end at Easter. His ascension to Heaven is not the final chapter. Jesus is coming again!
Our salvation rests in Jesus alone. We cannot atone for our own sin. Only Jesus can do that. Jesus is our savior.
Today we celebrate Palm Sunday with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We continue our series of “Jesus Is” as we discuss Jesus is...
Anxiety, fear, and worry are all things that can weigh us down. We need peace in our heart. Jesus is the Prince of...
Who is Jesus? What is his purpose? Today we discuss how Jesus is the fisher of people.
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