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Each day it seems the world gets worse. Crime, wars, and calamity start each newscast. The world needs hope and the Church has...
Do you have plans or goals this year? Are you going to try and make any changes? Today we are discussing looking forward...
It is the season of Advent. This first Sunday of Advent 2023 we are talking about hope in the waiting.
Finding hope when we feel everyone is against us is challenging. Today, we are going to talk about how to find hope when...
Are you facing a time of fear, doubt, or discouragement? Today we are going to share three things you can do to escape...
Value is based on what someone would give for something. You have value! Learn how much value in today’s teaching.
The first week of the new year has passed. How are your resolutions and goals? Today we are encouraging you with Don’t Give...
Gifts are given and received on many occasions. It is part of many cultures. Today we are talking about gifts from God.
When you are introduced to someone, how do you describe yourself? Today we are talking about what defines you.
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