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Today, we are continuing to share the keys to a Victorious Life Through Effective Prayer. Join us as we use those keys to...
We celebrate Jesus rising from the dead on Easter but what happens after the resurrection?
Today we celebrate Palm Sunday with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We continue our series of “Jesus Is” as we discuss Jesus is...
Human nature tends to make us notice and identify differences in people. We naturally fear what we do not understand. But Jesus brings...
The cancel culture is getting out of hand in our world. It seems that the slightest misstep or offense gets answered with boycotts...
There are some wrong ideas about God and about how and when He shows up in our time of need. Today we are...
The world is searching for hope in many places. On Easter, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. This leads us...
Celebrating communion at home is wonderful and very rewarding. It does not have to occur as part of a larger worship service in...
It is sunrise on Easter morning. I cannot help but imagine that morning almost 2000 years ago when Jesus’ followers woke up and...
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