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Everywhere you look today you find hopeless people facing hopeless circumstances. We must be able to give them hope. Today we are talking...
Today we are diving in and comparing good doctrine with bad doctrine and how we can tell the difference between them.
It is a new year and we are happy to celebrate a fresh start. Today we are talking about continuing to grow in...
Every new Christian wonders what the next steps as a new Christian are. Here we teach an overview of the initial next steps...
This week I have really been focusing on the verses that follow Vs 11 in Psalms 119. Specifically the idea of meditating on...
I was thinking about Psalms 119:11, "Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you."
The master baker, God, has given us the Bible. He chose the people to inspire with the Holy Spirit to pen its words.
When constructing any building, you want to make sure that your foundation is firm and sound. You take many measurements and use just...
Jesus, the Master Builder, knows just what it takes to build a life that can withstand the difficulties of the world. We must...
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