Sermon Notes

Walking In Step With Jesus Every Day

How can you reflect Christ more fully in your daily life? Learn how walking in step with the Holy Spirit empowers you to mirror Jesus, bearing fruit that transforms your life and impacts those around you.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

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Welcome to the final message of our Living Mirrors: Reflecting Jesus in Everyday Life series. We have journeyed through reflecting Christ in our thoughts and words, where we learned how aligning our minds and speech with God’s truth allows us to become clear reflections of Jesus. Next, we explored how acts of love can illuminate Christ’s light to the world, followed by learning how to bear the fruit of the Spirit in a broken world, displaying qualities like love, joy, and peace.

Today, as we close this series, we will focus on how to walk in step with the Holy Spirit every day. When we live guided by the Spirit, His power transforms our lives and strengthens our walk with Christ. This final teaching will help us understand what it means to live each day fully connected to the Holy Spirit and how this continual connection not only enables us to bear lasting fruit but also brings about inner transformation and growth for God’s glory.

Walking in Step with the Spirit

Galatians 5:25 says:

Galatians 5:25

(25)  Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Walking in step with the Spirit is about more than occasional bursts of spiritual focus. It is a continuous, moment-by-moment connection with the Holy Spirit. To walk in step means following His lead daily and trusting His guidance, even when it challenges us or pushes us beyond our comfort zone.

Keeping in step with the Spirit requires a life of surrender and attentiveness. Romans 8:14 tells us:

Romans 8:14

(14)  For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

Being led by the Spirit means submitting our plans, desires, and even our fears to God. It is not a passive act but a deliberate choice to listen and follow wherever the Spirit leads, whether in big life decisions or everyday interactions. The Spirit’s direction often nudges us to forgive when it is difficult, to serve others when it is inconvenient, and to trust when it is uncertain.

Ask yourself, “Where in my life am I holding back from the Spirit’s leading?” It could be in a relationship, a job situation, or even in small daily habits. Consider how you can open these areas to the Holy Spirit’s direction, allowing Him to guide your actions, thoughts, and choices.

Start each day with a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to guide your steps. Throughout the day, when faced with decisions or challenges, take a moment to pause and ask the Spirit for direction. Note the moments where you sense His prompting, and journal how following His lead impacts your day.

Relying on the Spirit’s Strength in Weakness

2 Corinthians 12:9 says:

2 Corinthians 12:9

(9)  But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Walking with the Spirit does not mean we will not face moments of weakness or difficulty; instead, it means we no longer have to rely on our own strength. When we recognize our limitations and turn to the Spirit, His power is made evident in ways we cannot achieve alone.

The Holy Spirit empowers us in our moments of greatest need. Isaiah 40:29 tells us:

Isaiah 40:29

(29)  He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

The Spirit not only strengthens us physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but He also gives us perseverance. In our weakness, God reveals His power, and when we stop relying on our strength, we open ourselves to His unlimited resources. In daily life, this may look like navigating a difficult relationship, finding calm in overwhelming situations, or having patience in stressful work environments. It is often in our hardest moments that we experience the deepest transformation, as the Spirit carries us when we cannot carry ourselves.

Where are you feeling weak, tired, or overwhelmed? Instead of pushing through with your own strength, pause and ask the Holy Spirit for help. Be honest with God about your limitations, and invite the Spirit to take over. You may be surprised at how His strength manifests when you admit your weakness.

Each day this week, identify a specific area where you feel inadequate or worn down. When those feelings arise, pause and pray, asking for the Holy Spirit’s strength. At the end of the week, reflect on how the Spirit has helped sustain you and strengthened you in ways you could not manage alone.

Bearing Fruit as We Walk in the Spirit

As we walk in step with the Spirit, we naturally bear His fruit; qualities like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and more. Jesus reminds us in John 15:5:

John 15:5

(5)  "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Bearing fruit is not something we strive to do through our efforts. It happens when we stay connected to Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

Just as a branch doesn’t produce fruit on its own but through its connection to the vine, we bear fruit by remaining close to Jesus. Galatians 5:22-23 describes the fruit of the Spirit as love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are not qualities we can force ourselves to have. They are the natural outcome of a life lived in the Spirit. When we remain close to God, He works in us to produce fruit that glorifies Him and blesses others.

Look at the areas of your life where you desire to see more spiritual fruit. Is it in relationships, your personal growth, or perhaps your work life? The key to bearing fruit in these areas is to remain connected to Jesus through prayer, worship, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. The more time we spend with Him, the more fruit we will see growing in our lives.

Commit this week to spending intentional time in prayer and reflection with God. Each day, ask the Holy Spirit to help you bear fruit in a specific area of your life; whether it is patience in a relationship, kindness at work, or joy in difficult circumstances. At the end of the week, review where you have seen the Spirit at work, helping you bear fruit in ways you had not expected.


As we conclude this message and the Living Mirrors series, we have learned that walking in step with the Holy Spirit is the key to reflecting Jesus in every aspect of our lives. The Spirit’s guidance, strength, and power enable us to bear lasting fruit that glorifies God and impacts the world around us. Our thoughts, words, actions, and fruit-bearing are all part of how we become living mirrors of Christ’s love and light in a broken world.

Though this series is ending, the journey of reflecting Jesus does not stop here. As living mirrors of His grace, may we continue to shine Christ’s light, guided by the Holy Spirit, every day. Let’s commit to staying in step with the Spirit, relying on His strength, and bearing fruit that glorifies God in everything we do.

Our journey does not end here; it only deepens as we walk hand in hand with the Spirit.

Brian Conklin

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