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Jesus is the Master Builder

Jesus is the Master Builder

Today, let’s look into the wisdom of building our lives on a solid foundation, seeking the guidance of the ultimate Master Builder, Jesus.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Watch the video of this teaching at or on our YouTube channel.


When faced with any task or project it is always wise to consult with an expert in that field so we can make good decisions and wise choices. Just as we turn to experts for advice in various aspects of life, when it comes to constructing the masterpiece of our lives, we must look to the teachings of Jesus.

When we start work on any project, we seek the expertise of master craftsmen. A skilled gardener for a garden, a mechanic for automobile repairs, and a master builder for a house. We can learn from them and do far better than if we tried to do things ourselves without any guidance or advice. Our lives are no different. To build our best life and completely fulfill the plan and purpose we were created for, we must turn to Jesus, the Master Builder of people.

The Sermon on the Mount

Not too long ago we shared many teachings based on portions of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. This impactful teaching shared by Jesus covered everything from the Beatitudes to marriage, prayer, and selfless giving. Jesus concluded this heart-changing teaching with a powerful analogy, recorded in Matthew 7:24-25 which says:

Matthew 7:24-25

(24)  "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  (25)  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Matthew’s gospel uses three chapters to record Jesus’ teaching. Jesus concludes with a beautiful word picture that we all can understand. When the rain comes, you want to have sure footing and stable ground to be standing on. Likewise, when the storms of life come, we need our lives built on a firm foundation. Jesus’ teachings are that firm foundation and He is building our lives on them.

These are things like:

  • Strong marriages and families
  • Doing to others as you would have them do to you
  • Telling the truth and living with integrity
  • Loving others, including your enemies
  • Giving to the needy
  • Putting others before yourself
  • And many more

Jesus continues in Matthew 7:26-27:

Matthew 7:26-27

(26)  But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  (27)  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."

Those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior build their lives on the shifting sand. These are things like:

  • Lawlessness
  • Lust
  • Lies
  • Putting yourself before others
  • Taking advantage of people
  • Hatred

Those are the things the world builds lives on. A life built on a foundation of lies, hate, lawlessness, and selfishness cannot stand up to the storms and calamities that come. That is a life that will ultimately end up in ruin and is not a life that has been built by Jesus the Master Builder.

Personal Connection

When I was a young man I spent several years working in construction after serving in the US Navy. I understand the importance of a solid foundation and proper construction techniques. There are no shortcuts to building a strong house or shop. Just as a building must stand firm against shifting ground and weather the storm, so too must our lives. I learned from the master electricians and builders that to have a solid house or shop we need:

  • A solid foundation and a sturdy building
  • A well-attached building to the foundation
  • Good materials and good tools
  • A deep understanding of these materials, tools, and building practices.

The foundation for a strong building is often stone or concrete. These are very hard and sturdy and cannot be moved or destroyed easily. Buildings are attached to their foundations in many places, not just sitting on top of them. Good materials must be used. Clean straight wood without rot and good strong nails to tie it all together along with the knowledge of how to stack, assemble, fasten, and grow the building are all necessary for a building that will not crash down or crumble in a storm.

That’s what a master builder of a home or shop does and why they are so important. Your life is no different. The master builder of your life must be Jesus Christ.

Jesus as the Ultimate Builder

Jesus, having worked as a carpenter alongside His earthly father, understands the principles of construction. He emphasizes that, just like a well-built house, our lives must withstand the storms of life, rising floodwaters of chaos, and the shifting ground of society. When you allow Jesus to build your life you are trusting Him to use those same techniques as a master builder or carpenter.

Your life must start with a firm foundation, and that is the truths taught by Jesus and the promises of God all found in the Bible. The only way to learn and know Jesus’ teachings and the promises of God is to spend time reading the Bible or listening to the Bible be read to you.

Your life must be firmly attached to those foundational truths. That is done by maintaining your focus on Jesus in all you do and say. He must be the reason you do the things you do every day. Being the hands and feet of Jesus connects your life to him and his foundational truths.

The materials you build your life with are provided by Jesus. These are the experiences you have, the gifts of the Holy Spirit that equip you, and the words that the Lord gives us in the Bible and puts in your heart and mouth to share with others.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says:

2 Timothy 3:16-17

(16)  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,  (17)  so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Time with Jesus daily is the final tool we need. We must spend time in prayer daily listening as much as we speak. Prayer is a conversation with the Lord. It is not just a time for us to speak to him. We must take the time to hear him also. This is how we allow Jesus to be the Master Builder of our lives.


Are you listening to the Master Builder?

Are you regularly reading Jesus’ words in the Bible?

Are you actively putting His teachings into practice in your daily life?

It’s not enough to merely hear or read His words; we must apply them to our lives daily. This is how we fortify ourselves against the challenges that life throws our way.

Let’s do our best to allow Jesus to be the Master Builder of our lives. In the chaos and uncertainties of the world, His teachings serve as the blueprint for constructing a life that stands strong.

If you would like to know more about building a firm foundation, we have a discussion series of videos on our website that go deeper into this topic. We invite you to join in the discussion on “Building A Firm Foundation” to deepen your understanding of the tools and teachings of Jesus.


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