When we are introducing someone to someone else we often share some characteristics of the person we are introducing. The introduction often sounds like, “Hi, this is Joe. He’s the person who does all of that volunteer work at the shelter I told you about.”
In Introducing God, we are doing the same thing. We are sharing some of the characteristics of God and contrasting them with some of the common thoughts of the world.
Part 1: God as Creator
Join us in this webisode as we discuss God as the creator of the universe.
Part 2: God as A Father
Join us in this webisode as we discuss God as a father.
Part 3: God As Savior
Make sure to download the handouts below and you can purchase a copy of The 5 Love Languages that Kelly references from Amazon.com by clicking the button on the right.
Join us in this webisode as we discuss God as Savior.
Part 4: God as A Friend
Join us in this webisode as we discuss God as a friend.
God Is Sovereign
Join us in this webisode as we discuss God is sovereign.
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