Throughout time man has made some spectacular failures. God’s people through the ages are no exception.
Part 1: New Beginnings
During New Beginnings we discuss the story of Abraham, Sara, and Hagar and the promise God gave Abraham despite the choices they made and consequences they had to face.
Part 2: Second Chances
In this second webisode of Epic Failures – Where God’s People Blew It Jessica Stewart leads the discussion of Peter’s denial of Jesus at a crucial point in the crucifixion story. Watch and see what happens.
Part 3: I’ve Fallen and Can’t Get Up
During I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Get Up Kelly leads the discussion of a story of Moses and one of his major mistakes and the seemingly unrecoverable consequence he had to face. But, God was still faithful and showed mercy and grace to Moses.
Part 4: Starting Over
During Starting Over Brian leads the discussion of one of the most noted failures found in the Bible; David’s adultery with Bathsheba and the subsequent cover up. But again, God was faithful and showed mercy and grace and brought an amazing restoration.
Part 5: When In Doubt Reboot
During When In Doubt Reboot Kelly leads the discussion of the story of Elijah right after a spiritual high point and the subsequent low point and fear that enveloped him. We then discuss how God provided for Elijah in his time of need, and strengthened and encouraged him.
Part 6: The Epic Failure
During The Epic Failure Brian leads the discussion of the story of the fall of man; Adam and Eve being deceived by Satan and eating the fruit. We then discuss how God already had a plan in place for the redemption of man through His son, Jesus Christ.
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