Clay rocks with a hidden treasure inside were on the agenda one spring afternoon for my young children. After viewing a DVD on how to make various children’s crafts, my daughter piped up, “Mom, let’s make treasure rocks and hide them around the yard and go treasure hunting!” I soon went to work gathering the ingredients for our clay “rocks” while the kids scoured their rooms in search of treasure to insert into the rocks.
We worked together combining the ingredients. Then my son and daughter inserted their treasures into the middle of each “rock”. My daughter inserted plastic rings and barrettes while my son favored army men and Matchbox cars. We then folded the clay over itself so that the treasure was secure inside. The children enjoyed treasure hunting after I hid the “rocks” around the yard.
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:2-3). In today’s world, it is so easy to become anxious when we read headlines or are faced with uncertainties. However, when we set our minds on things above; the characteristics of Christ, our hope of heaven and not the pressures of our environment, then we find ourselves secure in Christ.
Just as my son and daughter folded the clay over their treasures, so has Christ enveloped you with his love. Embrace who he is and that you are his treasure! We are hidden in his arms of love and safe from the pressures of this world when we focus on him and not on earthly things.
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