I hardly slept last night with excitement to start our mission trip to Mumias, Kenya today. We are returning to Mumias, Kenya to visit the churches that were brought into the Cell Life Church network of churches 2 years ago and bring some deeper teaching to the pastors and church leaders. We are also bringing resources to help with malaria and jiggers and approximately 500 pairs of eye glasses that have been donated.
It takes about 3 days to travel to Mumias from our headquarters in Richland, Washington, USA. Please pray for us as the three of us endure the travel. Please pray for favor with government officials as we pass through countries on our way to Kenya, and with the airlines as we navigate their systems.
Our team met last week for a time of prayer and commissioning. We prayed once again for divine appointments along the way and while in Mumias. We also prayed to deepen relationships and renew friendships started 2 years ago.
I look forward to sharing with you as we progress. We have rented a global 4G hot-spot so we should have some data connectivity this time and keep everyone posted on the happenings and progress.
We did not quite meet our budgetary goal for the trip, but if you feel inclined, we would appreciate, and can still use, any financial donation you can make. You can donate financially securely at https://www.celllifechurch.org/donations/kenya-mission-trip-2019/
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