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Brian E. Conklin
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Kelly Conklin

God’s Mission For You

Pastor Kelly Conklin

Have you ever participated in a round table discussion where everyone is contributing ideas for a project or a plan? Imagine that the ideas are flowing quickly as the team talks through scenarios and details. The group facilitator begins assigning tasks for people to do as ideas emerge. You get caught up in the energy of the moment and forget to write down the two or three tasks assigned to you only to return to your desk and wonder, “what was my part in this project?”

The disciples who walked and talked with Jesus, traveled with him ate with him, and lodged with him all had a project or a mission to complete as well. Three of them would have a specific purpose to fulfill. It was important that they would not question or wonder what their task would be. In Mark 9:2-10, God cemented his plan in their hearts by giving them an encounter they would never forget.

Peter, James, and John as young boys had grown up hearing about the ancient prophets. They learned how Moses obeyed God and stood up to Pharaoh in Egypt by rescuing the nation of Israel. They heard the stories as they gathered in the temple of God’s miraculous signs he had demonstrated to convince Pharaoh and the Israelites that he is the true God. Peter, James, and John knew the story of the prophet Elijah and how God used him in a showdown with the priests of Baal and Asherah by displaying his power and proving that he is the true God. So, when Jesus chose them to go with him one day up a mountain where Jesus was transfigured, “his clothes becoming dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses who were talking with Jesus” (Mark 9:3-4) they were astonished!

These prophets, heroes of the faith, were standing before them talking to Jesus! Not knowing what was happening before them, Peter offers to build each of them a shelter. But before he could get an answer a cloud enveloped Jesus and the ancient prophets and God spoke, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!” (Mark 9:7)

There was no denying that voice. There was no denying who Jesus really was, he was God’s son, just as they had suspected. What was God asking them to do? He was giving them a task, one they would never forget. God was instructing them to listen to his son. Just as Moses had obeyed God even when he felt inadequate because of his ineloquent speech. Just as Elijah obeyed God when predicting a devastating drought. Peter, James, and John would listen to God just as their heroes of the faith did. They would listen to Jesus.

They would not walk away from this encounter and think, “what had God asked me to do?” God cemented his plan in the hearts of these men. He made himself known and reassured them that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah.

When God instructs you to do something, do not second guess or allow Satan or the world to distract you from fulfilling his command. God works together for good to those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). The calling, instruction, or task he has given you to accomplish is for only you to fulfill because he knows you are capable and destined to do great things for the kingdom of God.


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