Here in Washington State, we are entering our second full week of isolation, social distancing, or as most are somewhat incorrectly calling quarantine. There have been many adjustments to be made.
We have had to change the way we work, the way we shop, the way we check on each other and watch out for each other, the way we communicate, and more. The world has learned much more than any of us ever wanted to about virology and pandemics. We have had to make sacrifices, some not too comfortable, and try to do, as the British say, keep a stiff upper lip.
I, by nature, am an observer of people. It is fun watching people and studying them. I ponder questions like what are they thinking and what is their perspective of the current situation. This worldwide event is giving me much to ponder as I watch people. I have noticed a couple of things that I think our society has needed for a long time.

I have noted that families are doing more together. Families are eating meals together, playing games together, assembling puzzles together, and more. We can’t go anywhere so we are doing more together as a family. We are rediscovering what it means to be a family, and in most cases, enjoying this rediscovery.

People are slowing down. There is an old saying that we must stop and smell the roses from time to time. Another way of putting it is life is not about the destination, it is about the journey. Our society’s fast-paced life has gotten so fast in recent decades we have forgotten it is a journey. We are going so fast we don’t see the roses on the side of our path to smell them.
Kelly and I have had the time to go for an evening walk around our neighborhood almost every night. This has been wonderful. It gets us outside, some exercise, but most importantly time together.

Finally, the Church is realizing that spiritual life is not centered around the church building. God is not waiting for us in the building we built. He is already living in our hearts. Jesus said, “Wherever two or more are gathered, in my name, I am there also.” Pastors of conventional church groups have been trying to keep some level of the normalcy they have known for decades by streaming worship services and the like online. That is great, but we are doing what we have always done and members of conventional congregations are joining us.
We are encouraging the Church to be the Church and be Jesus to their neighborhood. Check on people and help them out. Share what you have where someone has need. By all means, pray for one another.
Thank you COVID-19 for forcing us to slow down, bring our families back together, smell the roses and think about this journey we are on, and be the Church in our neighborhoods.
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