These resources are here for groups, cell sites, home churches, and individuals to use for discussion, teaching, and preaching. We have the following resources available:
We often have a favorite quote or saying that we remember our whole life. Today we are talking about our favorite Bible verses.
Gifts are given and received on many occasions. It is part of many cultures. Today we are talking about gifts from God.
Have you ever tried carrying water in a bucket with a hole in it? The bigger the hole, the more trips back to...
When bad things happen to people, especially God’s people, many ask, “Where was God when you were going through that?” or “Why has...
Around the world today we are seeing mask mandates and vaccine mandates to try and battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Today we are talking...
In today’s divided and fractured society where people are more self-centered than ever before, we need to ask ourselves, “How would Jesus respond?”
When you are introduced to someone, how do you describe yourself? Today we are talking about what defines you.
Everywhere you look today people are dividing. We are divided on politics, religion, social issues, medicine, and more. Why is this? Today we...
When you turn a light on in a dark room, the darkness disappears. Today we are talking
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