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It is sunrise on Easter morning. I cannot help but imagine that morning almost 2000 years ago when Jesus’ followers woke up and...
It’s Good Friday. One of the most revered holidays of the Christian calendar.
Saying yes to Jesus is not the goal, it is the beginning. Why else would Jesus say, "You must be born again."? Birth...
“Are you Calvinist or Wesleyan?” That was the question I was asked a little while back. I was speechless for a moment, which...
This week, in America, we celebrate Thanksgiving. Our friends to the north in Canada celebrated this in October. I do not know the...
I have been a pastor and spiritual counselor to people for many years now. When someone comes to me struggling with anything I...
"Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Ephesians 6:4.
You can't follow Jesus by following the crowd. You can only follow Jesus by following Jesus. Sometimes that means being different than everyone...
I remember the first time I heard of Advent. Kelly and I were about to be married and we were attending a church...
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