It is sunrise on Easter morning. I cannot help but imagine that morning almost 2000 years ago when Jesus’ followers…
It’s Good Friday. One of the most revered holidays of the Christian calendar.
Recently, I have been looking back over the last few years of my life, and in every decision I made…
Saying yes to Jesus is not the goal, it is the beginning. Why else would Jesus say, "You must be…
Unbiased love is perfect. Having no favorites it does not leave anyone out. It is encompassing, not exclusive.
"So, what brought you here to the Tri-Cities?" I was asked by one of my clients last spring. I love…
“Are you Calvinist or Wesleyan?” That was the question I was asked a little while back. I was speechless for…
Recently, I was listening to an interview on the radio with one of my favorite Christian artists. He was being…
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