There are many definitions and thoughts on the work of the ministry. Today we discuss what the Bible says the work of the...
The first week of the new year has passed. How are your resolutions and goals? Today we are encouraging you with Don’t Give...
It’s a new year and that typically means new resolutions, new goals, and fresh starts. But, our mission remains the same. Today’s teaching...
It is the last Sunday of Advent. This week we are talking about how Jesus is our hope.
It is the third week of Advent and we are talking about how Jesus is our joy on Cell Life Church TV.
Today we celebrate the second week of Advent and recognize that Jesus is our Peace.
We are starting our celebration of Advent, the Christmas season, by talking about how Jesus is our faith.
Skin color, political beliefs, economic status, and national origin are creating enemies around the world. Jesus tells us to love our enemies.
We all work for somebody. We all have tasks we don’t particularly like. Today we are discussing working as if working for the...
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